Spindle, Kesseböhmer LeMans Corner cabinet half circle carousel fitting

adjustable height

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Spindle, Kesseböhmer LeMans Corner cabinet half circle carousel fitting

adjustable height

54132300 product photo

Spindle, Kesseböhmer LeMans Corner cabinet half circle carousel fitting

adjustable height, anthracite, internal cabinet height: 600–750 mm

Art. no. 541.32.300
54132304 product photo

Spindle, Kesseböhmer LeMans Corner cabinet half circle carousel fitting

adjustable height, anthracite, internal cabinet height: Min. 1265 mm

Art. no. 541.32.304
54132600 product photo

Spindle, Kesseböhmer LeMans Corner cabinet half circle carousel fitting

adjustable height, white, internal cabinet height: 600–750 mm

Art. no. 541.32.600
54132700 product photo

Spindle, Kesseböhmer LeMans Corner cabinet half circle carousel fitting

adjustable height, white, internal cabinet height: 600-750 mm, steel/plastic

Art. no. 541.32.700
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for corner cabinet half circle carousel fitting

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