Häfele Studio Partner Workshop in Malaysia
Field trip to Systemat Mobel Kuchen, first Häfele Studio Partner in the world! Project manager from Häfele Australia, Häfele Korea, Häfele New Zealand, Häfele Philippine, Häfele Singapore and Häfele Vietnam were gathered in Kuala Lumpur on May 31st to attend a 2-day workshop lead by Stephanie Kellner, project manager of Häfele Studio Partner. In the intensive 2-day workshop, project managers get to learn comprehensive overview of the new business chapter, starting from WHY? Followed by HOW? A full set of guidance and market preparation has already put in place to facilitate local project manager in analytical study and measured before rolling out. Communication manual will guide the concept and adaptation through across worldwide consistency. Häfele Malaysia being the pilot launched country get to share the journey, from market preparation to roll out. The workshop was accomplished by field trip to Systemat Mobel Kuchen at Jalan Ampang, who being the first Häfele Studio Parner in the world! Project managers get to witness the transformation Häfele Malaysian team put in place, from changes across display and sample fittings, setting up of brand communication materials – signage and POS, to Ideas For Living brochures. Häfele Malaysia is looking at 10 partnerships nationwide by the end of 2016. |